‘Eternally Unforgiven’ Film Release

A short film titled ‘Eternally Unforgiven’ has been released. The film was written and directed by Byron Jordon Wolter and Brenton Reynolds. Film score was written, recorded and produced by Zachary, mastered by Aaron Marshall.

‘Eternally Unforgiven’ Trailer: https://youtu.be/XoTXIhJXH5c

Film score available for purchase on the following sites:

1.) Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/zacharywalter/eternally-unforgiven-short-film-soundtrack

2.) BandCamp: https://zacharywaltermusic.bandcamp.com/album/eternally-unforgiven-short-film-soundtrack

3.) iTunes: https://music.apple.com/us/album/eternally-unforgiven-single/1471836448

4.) Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5TlTFEFkDb3OleAJOfIc1a

5.) Amazon MP3: https://www.amazon.com/Eternally-Unforgiven-Zachary-Walter/dp/B07TY6DFQ5/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=Zachary+Walter&qid=1562612487&s=music&sr=1-4-catcorr

“Zachary Walter's score for Eternally Unforgiven brought the story to full fruition. The emotional climax synthesizes with the score in Carrie's realization of the metamorphosis the Sunflowers have undergone. When Carrie runs after Sean outside a tragedy unfolds as we are carried out of this window into these characters world with the score's climax. Zachary's abilities to sense the story and tell it through music is really phenomenal. Eternally would not be nearly as strong without the backbone of the composition.”

-Byron Jordon Wolter

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