Raising funds for 'First Nations Communities of Australia'.
Dear supporters and friends alike
Through your generous contributions, we were able to raise $89.00 through Bandcamp sales! Being a small and independent artist, this is a huge achievement.
Thank you to those who supported this honorable cause. We live in a world full of constricted separation. The more we can achieve undeniable oneness, the more progress we can make coming together as a species. This is all but one single example of humans disassembling walls and coming together...thank you.
The fundraiser for First Nations Communities of Australia is still accepting any and all help. Visit: https://www.gofundme.com/f/fire-relief-fund-for-first-nations-communities?fbclid=IwAR0_iD9O_u3zXtFgIIm1di42mHSq7Z6_xkGzAMGpP1lBx--7frS8ppiKj_w for more information.
With love